A review by the_evergrowing_library
Funland by Richard Laymon


This book uses the word ‘rump’ 34 times.

This was my first Richard Laymon book, and I have a lot to say about it!
First off, I think it was great that 1) I didn’t really know what the book was about……yeah there’s people going missing and yeah there’s a group of kids taking revenge on the homeless….. but where’s that go? 2) who’s side am I on? Everyone felt pretty awful.

As for the writing though, it felt like giving someone half a bJ(not the good half) and going “now write a book”.
It was sex-obsessed male adolescents who ogle all the female characters and it apparently doesn’t matter if death is breathing down your neck, these guys will never pass up an opportunity to cop a feel. So much chauvinism bordering on misogyny. But then just to be totally perplexing, we get some solid, strong female characters thrown in.

I enjoyed the plot and even for a 500 page book it flew by pretty fast with lots of different POV’s and quite an interesting story overall. Just sadly it sort of boiled down to “how much sketchy stuff would you do in the hope a hot girl will touch your penis?”