A review by mags_louise
On the Brink of Passion by Tamsen Parker



I was looking forward to reading On the Brink of Passion. As not only did the synopsis sound great, but I've also enjoyed the books I've read so far in this series.

However, this story, although engaging, easy to read and good. Didn't grab me and I did find it hard to connect with. Especially with the way Jubilee and Becketts relationship begins, and I did struggle to warm to Jubilee. Even though I did feel sorry for her and everything she had suffered. But I liked Beckett and by the end, I thought he and Jubilee made a nice couple.

And I did like the way this author took a risk on how Jubilee and Becketts relationship began, and that this story featured another winter sport, that I've not seen many other stories about. And so I would recommend giving this story a go, particularly if you're a fan of the author or the series itself.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC by the Publisher in exchange for an honest review**