A review by nicoleabouttown
Crushed Seraphim by Debra Anastasia


Originally Posted to All I Ever Read

Debra Anastasia is crazy, but in a good way, and I love her for it!

Really, I don’t have any idea where she got the idea for the book in general, let alone the things that happen in the book, but damn, it was quite impressive.

I have been wanting this book for a while and it was one of my first, if not the first, Waiting on Wednesday picks. I was lucky enough to win a copy through Debra’s Goodreads giveaway, and I am so happy that I did. I could not stop laughing. While this book and the situations in it were laugh out loud funny it was also hot as hell.

What I love about this book is that the characters were engaging. I wanted to be Emma. She was so awesome and down-to-earth. I loved that she wasn’t some damsel in distress waiting to be saved, but was willing to take the bull by the horns and get it done. I equally loved Satan Jack. I wanted to keep him for my own so I can see how much naughty bad fun he can get up to!

All in all, I loved the book. I found it very easy to read and follow along and can’t wait for the sequel!

My Rating