A review by rainnbooks
With This Curse by Amanda DeWees


A Gothic romance novel, With This Curse caters to readers who favor this genre else this is no Rebecca.
Gravesend Hall is a mansion seeped in history and tragedies with a curse that affects not just the residents but even the servants. Clara as a naive 17 yr old falls in love with the master of the house Richard and is sent away in disgrace, 18 yrs later she's back as the mistress of the hall but as a wife to the twin brother Atticus. The relationship slowly grows in strength with trust, respect and then love but the past comes back to haunt them. The story is good even though the big twisty surprise can be guessed at by most. It would have been interesting to have more of a ominous feel in the story coz the dread wears off after the first few chapters. Overall a good Gothic romance.