A review by jacquilynn
The Joker: The Greatest Stories Ever Told by Bill Finger, Dick Giordano, Jim Lee, David V. Reed, John Byrne, Joe Giella, John Broome, Dave Wood, Charles Paris, Lew Schwawrtz, Bob Kane, Steve Englehart, Wayne Faucher, Sheldon Moldoff, Bob Joy, Paul Dini, Len Wein, Dick Sprang, Mashall Rogers, Terry Austin, Walt Simonson, Don Kramer, Tim Sale, Jeph Loeb, Scott Williams, Alex Ross


These are the best of the Joker’s capers? This is far from my favorite collection of stories. While I liked some stories on their own, as a unit some of the comics didn’t make sense without the comic published before it. A few I questioned why they were included as they focused much more on Batman than the Joker. It’s a better read for those who are fans of the 60’s Joker as there are more stories in the book from that era.