A review by kandicez
Battlestar Galactica by Glen A. Larson


I’ve recently become enamored of the Battlestar Galactica re-boot. I know I’m late to the party, but I resisted it since I had some happy memories of the 70's version. Once I gave in and actually watched I really enjoyed it. It takes the essence of the 70's show and “smartens” it up. It needed it!

This little novel was a bit confusing only because I haven’t figured out if it was written before the tv series, as a result of the tv series (there were a LOT of after the fact novelizations in the 70's and 80's) or written from an original script that then changed as they shot it. In this novel Gaius Baltar is beheaded by the Cylon leader after his ultimate betrayal. This makes infinitely more sense to me than installing him on his own base in the tv series. Obviously those writing the re-boot felt the same way since Gaius Baltar is dealt with very, very differently in the new series!

I love old science fiction. I have to temper that with the acceptance of the atrocious way women are “treated” in older sci-fi. Without exception, every woman in this novel is described by her physical attributes, especially the attractive ones. One woman is described as “could be beautiful if she lost some of the weight.” I kid you not! By Starbuck no less. I can not say I agree with this treatment, but I can accept it and have almost gotten to the point where I find it amusing. I make up “more” for these women in my head, but content myself with the idea that this was acceptable when the novel was written.

One of the things the reboot prided itself on was using no "techno-babble." None was used here either. I find that refreshing. I don't mind techno-babble, and actual relish it in some stories, but BSG is really about the people, not the technology. I know that can be said of any good sci-fi, but especially here since religion is such a large factor. In that respect BSG reminds me of Dune.

All in all, this was a fun read. I had a great sense of nostalgia that took me back to my childhood. Reading this also made me appreciate some of the changes made with the re-boot more than previously. Small things like making Starbuck a woman, combining Boomer and Athena, little touches of genius like that.