A review by thaictaff
A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi


Wow, where to start? I’m obsessed with this book so much? Everything in it gives me life? Incredible main characters? Definitely one of my all time favorites? Yep, yep, yep and yep. I just have a lot of feelings towards this book.

“Beauty, coveted though it was, could not outlive you. Only actions would.”

The story follows Gauri, a princess of Bharata who was exiled for treason. She finds herself as a prisoner in the neighborly kingdom, where she’s to be executed. Until she meet Vikram, the fox prince, he wants to show the council of his kingdom that he’s capable of being a ruler on his own other than a puppet where they pull the strings. He sees a possibility of achieving that with the Tournament of Wishes, but for that he’ll need to team up with the enemy princess and learn how to be partners and not kill each other.

“Find the one who glows, with blood on the lips and fangs in the heart.”

The characters from this book, and I mean every character, are unbelievably amazing. It was impossible to me to find one single character that I didn’t enjoy, so let’s start from the main ones. Gauri walks the line of unlikable heroine and sympathetic, she’s a flawed character and you can’t help but feel empathetic towards her, she’s very brave and kind-hearted, I love my baby girl so much. Vikram is wonderful, he’s so charismatic and charming, but more than that, he’s smart and courageous, together they make for an amazing team.

Now to the side characters, Aasha is a vishakanya, meaning she feeds off other beings desires and her touch can kill humans. I was not expecting her and I didn’t know what to make of her when we have the first chapter from her POV. But as the story progresses and we get to know more about her, she quickly becomes a favorite. She’s caring and dreams of eating things other than desire, to just feel what’s like to be human. Quick shout out to the Lord of Treasures, he’s such a fun character, and nº1 Vikram/Gauri shipper. Also his consort, as the vetala, because it made for a great addition and I loved his humor.

The writing in Star-Touched Queen was maybe a little too much for me, but that changed completely in Crown of Wishes. This is lyrical writing done right, oh so right, honestly it’s astonishing. The idea of the book is so creative and Roshani Chokshi built it so flawlessly. Every aspect of it complimented the others and went together perfectly.

Another thing that differs a lot from the first book is the romance. With a beautifully written slow burn and enemies to lovers, I couldn’t help but smile every time Vikram would tease Gauri, their interactions were filled with banter and flirting. It gave me life.

“Vicious and sweet,” said Vikram, shaking his head. “Beastly girl.”
“You like me, don’t lie,” I teased.
“I couldn’t lie if I tried,” he said quietly.”

This book left me speechless, it’s a masterpiece and you really need to pick this up if you haven’t already.

Review also posted at Read. Breathe. Repeat.