A review by jadedfantasy
The Rainmaker by John Grisham


This is the book that hooked me into reading. Let me set the scene. I was in grade 5 and I was struggling with books for my age group. None of them interested me. My dad used to read tons of books when he worked night shift (this was before the age of cellphones and even really internet). He had read this book and he was talking about how good it was. I asked him if I could read it. He didn't think that I would be able to but he said if you can read it you can read it. I picked it up and I remember it took me about a month to read it but I was so proud of myself when I finished. I was then hooked on John Grisham's books. I loved being able to read them and then talk about them with my dad.

I used to keep a note book and write down any of the legal words that I didn't understand and then I would look them up in the dictionary LOL.