A review by namitakhanna
The Elizas by Sara Shepard


Novelist Eliza was discovered one night in a pool and her family assumes it’s one more of her many suicide attempt resulting due to the tumor in her brain. Eliza though is pretty sure she was pushed and is confident that somebody is stalking her. Soon Eliza enlists the help of a friend that rescued her and tries to piece back the events of that night. But reality and fiction collide and Eliza is unable to differentiate between her novel and her real life.

Sara Shepard has a way of drawing out the characters and sympathizing with even the unlikable characters . The book started slow for me but picked up pace in the middle. A slow moving suspenseful read enjoyable by all Sara Shepard fans

I would like to thank Atria Books & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

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