A review by cabc
Reveal by H.J. Welch


I was expecting a cute, fluffy rom com and that's about what was delivered! What makes it slightly different is that the story absolutely recognizes what it is, makes a few jokes, and then runs with it. All of the characters are great, and there are quite a few side characters. The plot is predictable, but it's fun and the book is written well.


I'm not a crazy fan of GFY or bi-discovery as it's not often done well (in my opinion), but this book handles all of its tropes well. Both characters have to discover themselves in different ways before they can truly have a relationship. What a relief that they're not trying to fix each other. There are no crazy revelations, but more recognition as things click into place, and that was also a breath of fresh air.

Now for the cons - these are my personal pet peeves / preferences and probably don't bother plenty of other people. I hate miscommunication that's drawn out, and this book has plenty of it. It doesn't drag on for too long, but enough that I just wanted to yell at the main characters to speak to each other like adults and stop making assumptions for the other. This is such a popular point of conflict in romance and I wish it would just go away. I think this book could do with a bit more editing in the sense that there are rambling paragraphs and unnecessary repetition. And I am not a fan of the epilogue, at all. It's basically a summary of everything you already know from reading the book and, in my opinion, adds nothing to the story.

With all that said - I absolutely recommend giving this a read! It was fun, light-hearted, and sweet. I've never read a book by HJ Welch before and I plan to read more from this author. Like the blurb says - this is completely a standalone and doesn't need to be read in a particular order or with the rest of the series. Happy reading!