A review by theliterati_list
Dinosaurs by Lydia Millet


This is a literary fiction about a middle age man who moves across the country and copes with loss while discovering new found family in unexpected people.

This is one of the best books I've ever read. I see some reviews criticizing that there is no plot, and I would like to point out that like most literary fiction this is not intended to be a plot-driven story. The strength here lies in the intense character development and the layers of of emotional complexities that are peeled back as the reader inhabits the main character on a very deep level.

Lydia Millet's writing voice is so easy and organic. I found myself smiling throughout this book. Her dialogue and narration reads as refreshingly authentic. I devoured this book in only three days, which is very fast for me. I couldn't put it down, but simultaneously did not want it to end.

I highly recommend this novel for everyone who enjoys literary fiction.