A review by quintessenceofdust
Thor: God of Thunder, Volume 1: The God Butcher by Jason Aaron


My brother recommended this to me, perhaps because he loves all things Thor, and he insisted I would like it too.

The artwork is pretty, even if it is gory, the artwork is a thing of beauty and I won't dispute that.

Gorr looks like Voldemort, and has an attitude like Voldemort--no one loves me/listens to me/everyone leaves me, so therefore everyone must die at my hands. It's nothing new really. He's just another villain with a chip on his shoulder, but that is essentially what villains are, eh?

I found the jumping back and forwards timeline a bit puzzling at first, but it does start to make more sense as the story unfolds, but I don't think the jumping about actually serves them any, they could still have the story make sense without this jumping about.

I read this in two sittings mostly because I got a bit bored, and I had to push myself to read the last of it because I knew I would put it back down again and not pick it back up.

That being said, the ending was a good hook and I will be reading the next one, which my brother loved even more because Old!Thor keeps calling Young!Thor a whelp.

Also, Old!Thor made me think of The Winter Soldier with that metal arm...

So, yeah, it was alright. It wasn't my favourite comic by any means, I think I'm more of an Iron Man and Spidey fan than a Thor fan at the end of the day.