A review by r_j_setser
Conquests: Hearts Rule Kingdoms by Emily E.K. Murdoch


I received this book from the author for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are entirely my own.

A beautiful romance that captures the trials, pain, and confusion of a noble marriage during war, but also the love, commitment, and dedication that is sometimes brewed out of arranged marriages.

I fell in love with this story from page one! Avis is an incredibly strong main character, with all of the charm, wit, and sass that could be desired to fulfil such a powerful role. Hers and Melville's story is one that is enchanting and memorable, and also illustrates how valuable communication is in a relationship.

There is some mild language, sexual comments, thoughts, and actions (though no scenes), and the details of the war can become very gruesome. However, though these things are present, they do not come very often at all, and are mild when they are included in a scene.

Thus, I give Conquests, 4 out of 5 stars and look forward to more of the author's work in the future.

This review was originally published on Literature Approved (http://literatureapproved.wordpress.com).