A review by shanyreader
Keeping the Castle by Patrice Kindl


*Facepalm* I really do not know what I expected from this book, but it certainly was not the one I expected.

The Characters: Our MC...Althea. I did not like her very much AT ALL. I thought she was very selfish and self-righteous. I understand the need to marry into money- but I don't think any Austenian heroine really would have been so selfish as she was. I could sense the attachment to her family, yes, but she was so invested in her own love-life and scheming that I really could not respect her. I thought she was indeed very clever, especially the hilarious episode with Prudence and Charity and getting them to pay for some roof repairs, but other little shenanigans she had really backfired on her and she knew it.
Spoiler That thing with Ms. Vincy and Goldaming--just really low on Althea's part

Prudence and Charity: Your typical, one-sided, evil step-sisters. I kept imagining them as Anastasia and Drizella from Cinderella XD They didn't really add much humor since they were SO stingy with money and stole sweets from kids...heh...but they served a purpose in the novel I suppose.
Spoiler Charity's marriage was a pretty big plot twist

Alexander and Mother: Bland. Alexander was only there to move the plot along a bit and the mother was a nice lady, yes--but she wasn't very helpful for much. Though I suppose she tried her very best with the two daughters she inherited. And
Spoiler I think everyone saw the relationship between her and the Marquis coming from five miles away, no?

The Males: Boring (what on EARTH kind of name was that?) and Fredricks...typical guys. Boring at least
Spoiler Didn't turn out as bad as I thought he would have--he ended up like that guy from Sense and Sensibility and not like Wickham at least
and Mr. Fredricks being a Darcy equivalent kind of bugged me a lot..
Spoiler I wish the romance had been developed a bit more. I know that she had emotions on her end, but his side of the romance was literally not expressed until the last 10 pages. I mean...COME ON! I wanted it to be the tiniest bit more spread out throughout the novel

Others: Blah. One's a gambler. One calls people mermaids. Workers. Doctors. Not much to report here. Typical characters.

Plot: I signed up for a short, quick, exciting read...and I got something that dragged out in some parts much more than I signed up for. The castle was important, I suppose--very I Capture the Castle but just...even more so. So little food...how on earth do they survive??? But yeah...love story with twists...and may I say, some where really good twists that I approved of and were actually welcome to add some suspense to this book!

The Good: I feel like a lot of the above was part of the bad...but the book wasn't that bad. True, it's no Pride and Prejudice, but then again, nothing is and can be again. It was a simple, nostalgic read and I thoroughly enjoyed being so grumpy at it for getting my hopes up so much. A good read for a slow day, especially since it's so cute and small, and sweet :)

3 stars. I wouldn't read it again by choice, but I would recommend it. ^.^