A review by babobuca
Delicates by Brenna Thummler


As much as I remember the first part of the series, Sheets, as a good memory, this volume disappointed me. After the serious theme of grief, the focus here is more on the teen drama from Marjorie's side. I didn't like that she started to ignore the ghosts because of her friends, who in her opinion aren't cool. It felt fake than a real friendship, as they don't realise at all how sad Marj is. Alongside her, we get another perspective, in the person of Eliza, who also appears on the cover, and who was much more interesting. She loves photography and collects pictures of ghosts. However, she is very lonely at school and her eccentricity makes her a target for the popular kids, which I was very sorry to see. I wouldn't want to take this volume any less seriously either, as bullying is a pretty tough subject, however its implementation made it feel less serious overall.