A review by bibliophilicjester
Static Ruin by Corey J. White


WHY did i not write a review as soon as i finished this?! sigh. i think i went with 3.75 stars.

i've seen a lot of people read killing gravity and that's it, but i really recommend continuing the series!! i had some issues with the second novella because it was a lot of kill first feel guilty later, and it just didn't work for me from a moral standpoint, i think. but mars had some moments in this book to take a minute and think things through, and i definitely got what i was looking for in the last book in here. i particularly liked her dynamic with pale and how she tried to make him understand why she did things the way she did while also saying she didn't always make the right choices and he shouldn't try to be like her.

i selfishly wanted more squid in here, and there was a VERY un-squid-like moment toward the end?! UGH. it made sense on mars's end, i suppose, but it was so out of character for squid. sigh. still always a fan of them showing up like, wow mars good thing i just happened to be around when you fucked up...again... lol.

this one was very much about mars finding answers instead of straight up seeking vengeance, and i really liked the somewhat slower pace. tere were some revelations that literally made me gasp out loud because i did NOT see them coming...and yet it made complete sense?! in a shockingly messed up way?!

no spoilers, but i think the ending made tons of sense. i know it's not what a lot of readers would want, but i think it's what was needed. we got a lot of closure, and we got to see mars get some closure too, as well as finally making some decent decisions. i loved getting to see her voidwitchery and seeing her grow as a character. this is definitely a series i'll go back to when i need a bit of a quick space romp with some casual mass murder. as one does.