A review by 1librarianspath
FTL, Y'all!: Tales From the Age of the $200 Warp Drive by Julie Gravelle, Iris Jay, Nathaniel Wilson, Earl T. Roske, Olivia Northrop, James F. Wright, Evan Dahm, Skolli Rubedo, David Andry, Jonathon Dalton, Seren Krakens, Cindy Powers, Molly Kennedy, Sunny, C.B. Webb, Cheez Hayama, N.N. Chan, C. Spike Trotman, Kay Rossbach, Chris Williamson, Alexxander Dovelin, Ainsley Seago, Little Corvus, Xia Gordon, Luz Bianca, Maia Kobabe, J. Piechowiak, Miss Jamie Kaye, Rachel Ordway, Mary Anne Mackey, Ahueonao, Mulele Jarvis, Blue Delliquanti, Paul Schultz, Jay Eaton

For once I’m not giving a rating. I don’t feel I would be happy with any rating I give this, because it is a collection of 19 comic stories, with wildly different illustration styles and storylines. Obviously there is a common thread; the FTL (Faster Than Light) warp drives, and the use of black and white illustrations rather than colour. Some were funny, some were poignant, some were bleak. There’s a real range, and I appreciate that. There’s also a fantastic range of characters and identities which is so nice to see.

Out of the 19 stories, I particularly enjoyed 11 of them. That’s not to say that the other stories were badly written, or drawn, they just didn’t capture me in the same way. Here are my favourites (in order read, not order of favourites):
- Lia by Alexxander Dovelin
- Passing Through by Jamie Kaye Sunny
- Space to Grow by NN Chan
- Microwave by Jay Eaton
- Prodigal Sunset by James F Wright and Little Corvus
- Story of a Rescue by Nathanial Wilson
- Words From the Dead by Jonathon Dalton
- Solitary by David Andry, Paul Schultz and Lucas Gattoni
- Granddad’s Second Wife by Cheez Hayama and Earl T Roske
- The Senior Project by Maia Kobabe
- Wayhome by Evan Dahm

I realised I prefer the cleaner graphics of a lot of them, and the less technical stories in general. I enjoy reading about the human (or living being) experience, rather than the science. Again, that’s personal preference.