A review by inja_theninja
Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James


I’ve battled back and forth about whether to give this book 3 or 4 stars, mostly because I’ve read Julie James’ other books and this just didn’t hit the mark for me. There were so many moments where I just HATED Jason. He was so condescending, whiny, and disrespectful of her time and her career that a woman like Taylor, seemingly in charge of her own life, passionate about her job, strong and independent, shouldn’t be interested in him at all. The way he waved off her career and then only saw her as “hot lawyer” was eye roll worthy. He honestly had no real personality at the beginning, and I’d argue it’s not because we as the audience hadn’t gotten to know him yet. She tells him he’s smart and I was immediately like “ehhhhhh, grasping at straws for that one”. Physically yeah, sure, he’s supposed to be stupid hot, but is it just me that can’t find someone attractive if there isn’t more of an emotional connection? The idea that half of the book was him acting this way and her acquiescing to his requests was a bummer. I was rooting for Scott for a good chunk of that, until he became a total dick and wasn’t so subtle about his motives.

Then of course, there were some really great moments where Jason was a really lovable guy that clearly cared for her when it mattered most and he finally became someone that was interesting. Also loved the moment at the Black and Pink Ball where she told Scott to fuck off in the classiest way possible - probs gonna have to steal that some day, somehow.

It’s easy to see why Jason liked her, but I’m still skeptical about why she ended up choosing him over her whole life and career in Chicago. It’d be one thing if she had been grappling with her doubts and finding her place in the world while also trying to figure out her feelings for Jason, but this straight felt like her giving up everything because his career and choices were more important than hers. She had no other support in L.A. Her friends and family were back home and she was just molding to his life, his requests. Can a woman choose a man over her passions and change her mind about her life goals while still being a feminist and happy with her choices? Ab-so-fucking-lutely. Do I think this is JJ’s best example of that? Not so much. The “proposal” was kind of weak, and it was a little too nice and tidy that she had jobs lined up after their, admittedly week romp sesh that they had instead of being at the movie premier. It almost made it seem like a redemption chapter since she just threw away everything she’d worked for and then magically thinks to open her own firm. Someone like Taylor, not really thinking things through all at the last minute just didn’t seem true to her. I know a lot of people like that sort of thing, and find it romantic, but without the super sexy scenes and the complexity lacking from Jason, I finally decided to give this a 3. But hey, I still liked it. It was good for a guilty pleasure, mostly mild romance read and I will always support JJ, so yes, read this book if these things are enough to satisfy your romance reading goblins.