A review by jonetta
The Guy Who Died Twice, by Lisa Gardner


Detective D. D. Warren comes home after a day dealing with the most bizarre case she can recall and shares the experience with her husband over a glass of wine. A man walks into the station and is convinced he’s already dead. A few hours after they dispatch him home, they receive a call that this time he’s truly dead.

I’m not a fan of novellas but I’m warming to those in this series because they’re cleverly crafted. And, if you have the good fortune to listen to them on audio, you’ll get the added benefit of Kirsten Potter’s sarcastic delivery, completely in tandem with the how the story is written. At the last minute, I decided to use a coupon to get the audiobook from Audible and treated myself to a fun 97 minutes of storytelling. I had no clue where this story would lead and how it would end but I didn’t care because I enjoyed the journey. Just read it and if you can get the audio version, go for it!

Posted on Blue Mood Café