A review by brittanyt
All About Love by Stephanie Laurens


Lucifer is the last of the Bar Cynster that hasn’t fallen to matrimony, so he flees. He heads to Devon to visit an old mentor. When he arrives he discovers his mentor has been murdered. He teams up with a capable woman, Phyllida, to solve the crime.

I love the Cynster series and always expect to love a Cynster book. This book met my expectations! I love that Lucifer is running from love and falls for the woman who has also managed to avoid matrimony. He does not dare ask her to marry him until he is sure he won’t have to convince her to do so. Phyllida is a great heroine, because she knows exactly what she wants. The men in her life have always been subpar, so when she meets Lucifer she is thrown, because he is the first man who has been able to “manage” her. (She has successfully managed everyone in her life!) As a result of this, their love story does not follow the standard path of other romance novels. I love this series and I am so glad someone recommended it to me!