A review by slider9499
All We Are Saying: The Last Major Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono by G. Barry Golson, David Sheff


On December 8, 1980, I had a date. I think it was my third or fourth date with this girl and I was at her place hanging out listening to music and drinking coffee Seriously, just coffee!. I don't what time it was when I left her house, but it was after midnight (EST), this I am sure of. As I normally did, I turned on the radio to WNEW- FM,, no Sirius/XM back then, a NYC rock station. They were playing a Beatles block which was not unusual. Seconds after driving away the DJ said that John Lennon had been shot and killed at The Dakota, he and Yoko's NYC home in Manhattan. 40 years later, I remember this moment as it was yesterday.

This book brings back that moment as if I was watching a high-def movie. The conversations contained herein are nothing short of historic, not just because of the subject, but because of what that subject was saying. John loved to talk. Here he opines on topics as mundane as food to deeply held beliefs about nuclear war, politics and religion. I vividly remember buying the December 1980 issue of Playboy and reading the abridged version of what was to become this book. The Playboy issue was published and delivered BEFORE John was killed. I still have that issue.

One does not need to be a fan of The Beatles or John Lennon for that matter, to enjoy this book. One needs to be curious about history, music and wants to get inside of won't of the true original minds of the 20th century. You may not agree with John's opinions and comments, but I can guarantee you you will find it hard-pressed to put this book down once you start it.