A review by eatreadgamerepeat
The Andromeda Strain / The Terminal Man by Michael Crichton


So although these are 2 different books I have 1 criticism for both - which is the ending, both end very abruptly. like it feels like you are in this train, throughout both stories it picks up speed quite quickly and then all of a sudden it just stops - it doesn't slow down, I didn't really get any closure on either story, it just sort of stopped. I give the entire book 3.5 stars

Andromeda Strain (4.5 stars) - The story is great, it is the origin of many sci-fi tropes. It's also interesting since it was written in the late 60's and the "advanced technology" then now is considered almost old fashioned. like I said before the only criticism is the sudden ending.

The Terminal man (3 stars) - it's okay, but it's not as good as the Andromeda Strain, but it's still a good story, I think like the Terminal man it is probably the origin of a few medic-thriller tropes. I think the characters in this were quite interesting, I have seen a lot of criticism about this book regarding sexism and I must say I disagree, especially because of Dr. Jen Ross's internal monologue which makes her seem real and shows here dealing with the sexist opinions of other characters.