A review by atwade
End of Days by Susan Ee


(2.5 rounded up to 3) I hate to say it but this book was boring. Book 1 was fun and set the series up in a way that I was excited for, but it just wasn’t what I wanted. Book 2 had basically no Raffe, and so I was like okay book 3 is where it’s at... but no. There’s basically no romance in this? And here I go again being disappointed because people told me there was romance in a YA series. 3 kisses in the span of 3 books (that were not even romantic kisses half the time) is not “romance” to me.

The writing style and the characters were good, and I think a young adult who doesn’t care about romance would love this. But I do care about romance and that’s honestly not the books fault, it’s mine for having expectations. Regardless, I was just bored and wanting to DNF.