A review by finesilkflower
B^F: The Novelization Of The Feature Film by Ryan North


So, this is just a book that was slapped together from a limited run blog (it even retains blog-related language and 'tags' for each 'entry', which is worth it because the tags are so funny). The premise: Ryan North, author of "Dinosaur Comix," found an insane novelization of the movie "Back to the Future" that was apparently written from an early script draft by an over-the-top melodramatic author, and he has so much to say about it that he writes basically a blog entry about each page. It's the experience of ragging on a dumb book with your friends, but it's the perfect book - not to mention a chance to reflect on how great "Back to the Future" really is, through negative comparison to some of the weird choices in the novelization. Ryan North is one hilarious Canadian goofball.