A review by ashtea
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang


I'm glad to see that there's more of this universe because I can't be satisfied with the last 10 pages! Hopefully the next two books are on the same caliber.

First things first: Michael is amazing. The only thing I can't stand is the chip on the shoulder emo boy thing he has going on. He talks about how similar he is to his dad every 5 seconds when he's obviously very far from it. I get he has a this insecurity but Jesus Christ I want to make fun of him everytime he says like father like son.

Second and most importantly: F*** Phillip and Aliza. Especially Aliza. Throwing yourself at Michael like that when he's obviously on a date is disgusting; and that's without factoring in the fact that YOU LIKE STELLA ENOUGH FOR HER TO DATE YOUR SON. Also you must have seen Stella at the club because she was at the club with Michael/was standing next to Quan so why are you acting like this?? Phillip and Aliza are easily the worst people in this book. Mother and and son duo of the year.

Third: the miscommunication/misunderstanding trope our main characters fell into at the end was lame and borderline insufferable. I cannot stand when two people like each other and are moping around because they believe the other person doesn't like them. Open your eyeballs or let me open them for you >:(

Fourth and final thought: I'm so glad that this book had POC main characters. There are definitely way more books with POC rep than they're was when I was younger, but I always want to acknowledge how grateful I am to read books about different people with different cultures. Especially when it's a romance story. On top of that there's not many romance stories with main characters that have Asperger's! Breaks the monotony of most romance novels on the market.