A review by onemanbookclub
Magic Required by Obert Skye


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The Value of a Star: Ratings Explained

The Wizard for Hire Trilogy wasn’t exactly what I expected, but what do I know? What I found was WAY better than what I thought I was going to get.

I know Obert Skye from the Levin Thumps series, which I remember enjoying despite the whimsy. So when Wizard for Hire was published a couple of years ago and I came across the AWESOME art and Obert Skye's name on the cover, I added to my list. The final book in the trilogy was published a couple of months ago, so it was finally time to jump in.

What I expected was a magical fantasy adventure. What I got was definitely an adventure, but the magic was more in the moving story, charming characters, and laugh-out-loud silliness than in the fantastical. It worked, and I LOVED it. So much.

Ozzy was 7 when his scientist parents were kidnapped in front of him. He’s lived alone in a house in the woods of Oregon ever since. Traumatized, lonely, and naive, he's now 14 and wants to experience High School and figure out what happened to his parents. Sneaking into High School and posing as a student isn't too tough--but it is hilariously awkward. Getting help finding his parents without letting on that he's a kid living alone? That's much harder. Luckily he sees an ad in the local paper: Wizard for Hire. Perfect!

Let the adventures begin! Problem solved! He's IS a wizard, right? Right? Right...

It’s up for debate, but Wizard or not, the fun is absolutely magical!

This story is about trust, doing hard things, believing in yourself, forgiving others, and being a good friend. The message is delivered via a touching story with outstanding characters and exceptionally funny dialogue. Expect to smile, make satisfied sighs, laugh out loud, stay up late reading, and maybe even shed a happy tear as you close the page on the final book.

Wizard for Hire has no content issues and is family friendly. Best for independent readers 12 and up, but also would be great as a read-aloud with the younger kids too. Kirby Heyborne also gives a fantastic performance on the audio books!

Happy Reading!