A review by simsbrarian
Doctor Who: The Rescue by Ian Marter


A really good retelling of the Classic Who story. The audiobook reader was great and it really helped flesh out the original story to have a bit more insight into each of the characters thoughts and actions.

The Doctor, Ian, and Barbara land in a strange cave on the planet Dido. The Doctor remembers the Dido natives as a completely peaceloving species; but it seems that one member of their race is holding two members of a crashed spaceship (the Astra 9) hostage nearby. Victoria and Bennet are the only survivors of their crashed ship and desperately await saving from The Seekers coming to rescue them. There is much of the usual running around and confusion and a bit of Scooby Doo style unmasking of the truth but it was a really interesting story to listen to in this format. I will be seeking out other Ian Marter retellings as it appears this was his final book before passing.