A review by otherwyrld
Drop Dead Gorgeous by Wayne Simmons


I found it very hard to like this book. I didn't like any of the characters, finding them petty, small minded and mean spirited for the most part, and there were major gaps in what should have been important characterisations which had an impact on the plot. I found it hard to keep going and had to keep putting the book down, not because it was unpleasant, but because it was boring me even though at 288 pages it was a short book. The ending was a major turn off for me too - I mean, all the wronged women in Northern Ireland turn into zombies and eat the person that wronged them? Seriously?
Perhaps my problem is with the setting - Northern Ireland is just too real and not exotic enough for a zombie story to really come alive. I have had the same problem with some of [a:Thomas Emson|1388626|Thomas Emson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1460456112p2/1388626.jpg]'s books. Perhaps as a Brit I need a more outlandish setting such as the USA for a zombie story to feel "real" - after all, I am still reading and enjoying the Walking Dead graphic novels.