A review by readsinbed
Loose Lips, by Rita Mae Brown


I was really disappointed in this book, as Six of One and Bingo are both among my very favorite books. This felt like a half-hearted attempt at adding to a very successful duo of books with resoundingly terrible results. The writing style was not nearly up to par (sadly, I personally feel that Ms. Brown's writing has headed South of late), and there were glaring inconsistencies in the plot and simple details, such as Nickel's middle name(!?!). Why change such basic and mostly meaningless details after they have been established in earlier works? It made me think that this book was very hastily written and published as an attempt to win back readers who loved Six of One and Bingo along with many of her earlier works (fans such as myself), but (again, like myself) have a hard time with the all too cutesy series she is now "co-authoring" with her cat. It makes me sad... many of Ms. Brown's books had a fairly strong impact on me, despite the fact that she tends to write about the same (albeit differently named) main characters who are clearly not-so-thinly-veiled versions of the author herself. That, I can get past, and even enjoy. The inconsistencies in this book, I cannot. I truly finished this book wondering why she bothered.