A review by a_novel_ty
Can You Keep A Secret? by Sophie Kinsella


Actual Rating: 3.5

Emma Corrigan didn't mean to do it, she couldn't help herself. She'd just left a terrible meeting with a few former partners of the company she worked for, Panther Cola, she hates flying, and turbulence can kill! It just happened, she didn't even know the guy sitting next to her but her fear of dying just wouldn't let her shut up. So she told him all of her secrets. -- She thinks her boyfriend looks like a Ken doll, She's killing her coworkers plant with orange juice, She lied about her test scores on her resume. None of this matters though right? So what she told all of her secrets to this man sitting next to her on the plane, she's never going to see him again. The only thing is....She does.

I think I would have enjoyed this book much more if I were older. It was a cute little contemporary read, but I couldn't really relate to the main character because she's at a different point in her life than I am right now and it was hard to really understand where she was coming from some of the time.

I decided to read this book because one of the booktubers that I'm subscribed to said that the main character reminded her of Felicity Smoke from the TV show Arrow. I LOVE Felicity, but I will say...she definitely is NOTHING like this character in my opinion.

Emma Corrigan is kind of quirky and funny but she's also self conscious and a little lacking in the confidence department. She second guesses herself all of the time and seems to always need someone elses opinion on what she should do in certain situations. And that is what kind of bothered me about this book the most. Instead of following her heart and doing what she thought was right, she would seek the help of her two roommates Lissy and Jemima (I hate that name) and then a whole bunch of unnecessary and avoidable things would happen.

That's what this book is...A series of avoidable events.

I didn't really like the main male character Jack. He seemed kind of disingenuous to me and I couldn't decide if I was supposed to like him and trust him or if I was supposed to be looking out for him to do something shady.

To be honest, I would have probably enjoyed this much more as a romantic comedy starring Kathy Heigl and Chris Pine.

What I liked most about this book were the cute little moments. Like Emma's conversations with her grandad about Panther Bars and the horrendous date night and the dance show.

Reading this book was like walking through molasses. But those little moments of sweetness made it bearable.

...I would really like to see this as a movie though.