A review by spiringvenus
Crucial Confrontations: Tools for Resolving Broken Promises, Violated Expectations, and Bad Behavior by Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny


In some ways I liked this book more than its predecessor Crucial Conversations. 

Things I liked:
Learning about motivation- you don’t have to be an inspirational speaker, you don’t have to use a stick, you also don’t have to use a carrot - you have to use logic and talk about consequences and figure out which consequences actually matter to the person you’re trying to motivate 
When to tackle issues- sometimes a bigger issue comes up when you’re in the middle of a confrontation. If that issue is bigger than switch to it and put a pin in talking later about the first issue. 
Follow-up. Schedule it during the confrontation. Don’t just discuss conflict and let it go to be discussed again later.  Assign tasks and Follow up on the progress. 

Things I didn’t like:
The visual cues/diagram didn’t make much sense to me 
Some of the book is a repeat of Crucial Conversations