A review by ncrabb
Living Proof by John Harvey


Although it hasn’t been long since I visited Inspector Charlie Resnick of the Nottingham police precinct, it was good to go back. These books are rather slow, and yet they keep me pushing the play button on the audio book player to the last word.

An American writer of mystery fiction is visiting Nottingham, and she has received threatening letters leading up to her visit. She’s in town to do some book signings, and Inspector Resnick’s team has been assigned to provide at least a modicum of protection. He can’t do much, because his group is rather thinly spread already. In a rather interesting reverse of most detective fiction, a series of killings have taken place in which a mysterious prostitute is killing men after she lures them to their room. Initially, they’re only humiliated or wounded and released. But one man ultimately dies, and his widow is someone Resnick knew from many years ago.

Both these plots are equally interesting, and I didn’t see the solution to the prostitute murders coming at all.