A review by sc104906
Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst


I received an eARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Were-dragons! Sky and her family are part of a long line of wyverns, or were-dragons. While they have lost the ability to transform into dragons, they are still obsessed with their golden hordes, are fire proof, and can shoot flames from their mouths. It is typical that wyverns launch heists to gather more gold for their horde. However, after the last secret heist, Sky’s mother disappeared and the failed heist forced Sky’s family to lose their rank in the were-dragon community. Nothing has been the same since her mother went missing, so Sky is determined to find out what happened to her mother and get her family’s status back. With the help of several unlike crew members, Sky begins her first heist, to bring her mother back. It is important for her to be successful, otherwise her family might be completely reject from the wyvern community. Will she make it? Will she find her mother?

I found this concept super fascinating. I actually enjoyed many of the characters and look foreword to further exploration of the world in future books.