A review by stellajo
A Country of Eternal Light by Darby Harn


Mairead, having suffered tragedy and loss, wallows near suicide in grief and despair. As she suffers, a black hole wanders closer to Earth swallowing everything in its path. All seems lost. But a series of event, including an unexpected love affair, retethers Mainread to life. Now she's energised to cling desperately to the world, despite the mounting devastation. Will Mainread be one of the few who sees what lies beyond the event horizon?

Be forewarned that A Country of Eternal Light is not a light happy read. I don't recommend this book for those who've recently suffered a loss, in particular, the loss of a child. Those seeking post-apocalyptic tale of survival might also be disappointed. This novel is less about the mechanics of survival than human reactions to tremendous loss including proceeding with business as usual, hoarding resources, despair, and hope beyond reason.

However, this author has a keen sense of both the natural world and the human soul. He conveys his observations with strong, lyrical prose conveying a remote Irish island's harsh beauty and the emotional devastation wrought by the approaching end. The author conveys Mainread's inner world with truth and consistency. So though she's a mess, she's a believable mess struggling through a resplendent darkness.