A review by jenah
Less Than Dead by Samantha M. Derr


4.5 stars! I LOVED these stories!

This collection of zombie stories really runs the gamut: zombiefication of soldiers through wartime experiments, necromancers creating zombies (both good and evil), people turning into life sized porcelain dolls, dead lovers brought back as "ghosts," and the soulless undead who just want to eat your brains. Oh and did I mention the lesbian, gay, bisexual, nonbinary and trans characters (most as MCs)?

Fantastic stories and characters! Each of the authors managed to get me invested in their stories and the characters' relationships and struggles for survival. It's hard to pick a favorite but the ones that stick out to me right now are "Only Human" by Meredith Katz (bisexual guy is cursed and reaches out to a necromancer doctor and nice zombie dude for help breaking the curse), "Zoey Loves Zombies" by Adele Gardener (girl's gf gets zombified and killed by neighbors, girl plans to create even more zombies to seek revenge on the murderers) and "Noble Pursuit" (trans gentleman Delaney attempts to keep the zombie hordes at bay on his estate and gets help from mysterious Ephram who seems to have some power that protects him from zombie attack).

Longer review will be posted tomorrow on my blog: rezgirlreads.wordpress.com.

*I received a free copy of this in exchange for an honest review and want to thank NetGalley, Less Than Three Press and all of the authors for the opportunity to FINALLY read so many queer zombie stories!*