A review by mischievousreads
Best Man for Hire by Tawna Fenske


*ARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing in exchange for honest review

This was one of my anticipated reads of 2014 after having read and fallen in love with the other Front and Center reads, and my god, Tawna Fenske never disappoints with another hilarious romance featuring the third (Or was it fourth?) Patton sibling, Grant Patton and Kelli's (Fiancee for Hire) wedding organizer friend, Anna Keebler.

Hello, Mr. Perfect.
Most of the books I've been reading features male leads that are just so wild and bad, and exhudes the dominant alpha male feel. Though Grant is basically an alpha male and is pure deliciousness and everything masculine, he's an absolute sweetheart and definitely the "go-to" guy in times of need. Althroughout the book, he's basically a boy scout stuck in a grown man. Not only is he a soldier with badass military counter-intelligence skills (Meaning, he can get you to spill your deepest darkest secrets... immediately), he's also got an amazing eye for photography. Grant Patton is obviously the whole package -- He's gorgeous, smart, a total sweetheart and an artist at that. If only guys like him really existed (Hah!)

She's a wild, wild one.
If you've read the previous book (Fiancee for Hire), you'd figure out how much of a wild girl Anna is. A total burst of creativity, and a girl with no filter. Originally, I thought she would be type of girl who was kind of naive and very happy-go-lucky but instead, she comes off really blunt and pretty much straight to the point when it comes to everything. I couldn't relate to her confidence though, but I loved it, because she was just so similar to her friend, Kelli, since they used to be roomies back in college. On the other hand, she was predictable and at the same time, she wasn't. There were times I could figure out her character, but her bluntness was like a shield to how her mind truly works.

Twists and turns, and dark alleys.
The story didn't generate the same feel as the first two books, which were my favorites but I can't deny that this was also a great read. And Tawna's humor is still awesome as ever. I absolutely love how the author can make a perfect balance of drama and humor, all packed in one book. A lot of twists in this book were very amusing and kind of gave me the shudder, especially after finding out about Grant's dark secret. It wasn't exactly a major shock but it appeared to be something I least expected.

I'm excited for the next book, since Schwartz, the last Patton sibling had already been introduced and of course, it's obvious he's going to be the lead in the next book... although his leading lady might be... dot, dot, dot?

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