A review by caitlinxmartin
Morbid Curiosity Cures the Blues: True Stories of the Unsavory, Unwise, Unorthodox and Unusual from the Magazine "morbid Curiosity" by Loren Rhoads


This was terribly disappointing. The annoyances were numerous including, but not limited to:

- The format of the book - It's printed in newspaper type with two columns per page as if it were still a zine. It makes reading it difficult.

- The introduction - This is printed as in a regular book and starts out okay, but quickly devolves into self-congratulatory drivel. Yes, yes, you are the coolest, gothest ever. We all bow to your amazingness.

- The writing - Almost universally mediocre. These were the 40 best items?

- The illustrations - If you had a goth friend in high school who doodled cartoons in their notebook, you'll recognize these.

Out of 298 pages and 40 or so essays only one of them was worth reading - Souvenir of Hell by Brian Thomas - about visiting Auschwitz and Birkenau. Thank you, Mr. Thomas, for writing about this experience in an intelligent and honest way.

This book got two stars because of Mr. Thomas' essay - a long-winded way of saying you might as well skip this.