A review by kgroberts13
Silent Melody by Mary Balogh


Good, but not as good as the first book, [b:Heartless|110299|Heartless (Georgian, #1)|Mary Balogh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1392637219s/110299.jpg|106298].

Too many secondary characters for which I cared little about, too many narrative threads involving those secondary characters, and a few misunderstandings that keep the hero and heroine from one another for much too long. (Though I love Uncle Theo and godmother Lady Sterne, and their behind the scenes conspiring and their own sweet love story.)

Balogh is amazing with stories of reconciliation and people coming to grips with their past. My favorite of hers for this trope is [b:Simply Love|71644|Simply Love (Simply Quartet #2)|Mary Balogh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388375903s/71644.jpg|427962].