A review by mrose21
Hereditary by Jane Washington


I'm a little up in the air about this one.

On one hand I was pretty addicted to the story. Its sort of set in an olde world place, no real mention of technology but unlike many books similar I don't feel like it suffocates it. Its sort of natural and I don't miss it even when I'm reading this book on my kindle... On the other its just a little bit samey, instead of a classic YA love triangle we have a square, or a different sort of square.

We have Naeron, the king of synfee who seems evil but not evil? Like a misunderstood vampire. *side eyeing Edward* Next is Cale who is like the classic easy go lucky boy we seem to always have, the one that harbors a secret crush but doesn't do anything about it because his brooding friend is on the side lines making more head way than he is... Which brings me onto the fae prince boy Hazen. Who I am routing for as he seems to be the best out of a bad bunch. Lastly and not really least but I guess unwillingly we have Harbringer (Joseph) who I don't get. But hey I guess we needed another love interest to prove she is irresistible right?

Aside from the weird as heck square/triangle/thing, we do have some female characters I would like to point out, these are Rose (fae princess/Hazen's sister) and their mother (Queen Fae herself) Miriam, these two take up a big portion of the book dressing her up. Not as big as a portion as she spends unconscious, but a fair chunk. I don't really mind this, its sort of a loveable way of you realising that these characters are pretty soft and its again another way to cement that she is irresistible to pretty much everyone who meets her.

The whole book which is enjoyable is overshadowed by how 'wonderful' she is. I get shes pretty special I just don't know why or really how? We're told she is special and super powerful but most of the time she is struggling to get a handle of her power and/or is laid up in bed from some sort of wound. I BTW did not see the
coming on. Not sure it was needed but we'll move on.

1. Bea (I swear I don't remember her name I keep checking it in the book or refering to her as 'she/her') is likable. I do get annoyed with the 'special-ness' but I can overlook this.
2. The queen & rose. Could potentially become my favourites in this series already.
3. Hezan, that will happen or I'll riot and by riot I mean cry.
4. The setting, the author does a fantastic job of throwing you in and you not realising you've read this book in three hours.
5. I love her friendship with everyone and even her father.

Not so Pros
1. The love triangle/square/I DON'T KNOW SHAPES OK - I just dislike that. like pick one, and make the rest friends. I swear young girls can be friends with the opposite sex, its possible.
2. How much she spends in bed being ill. Coma, the other thing, being shot. Think I've missed some, but the point is made.
3. I wasn't sold on Beatrice at first. She has to be eased into it.
4. I also felt like she was at the academy for like 3 pages and then BAM unconscious.

As you can see the unconsciousness really weighed on me. I will be continuing it on, its an interesting start to a series I hope I'll like, also its free thanks to kindle unlimited..