A review by multicoloredbookreviews
Court of Claws by Briar Boleyn


2.75 ⭐.

This book was a huge disappointment for me.

Overall, it was a big step back from what the first one in the series had delivered. The tone was completely different (constantly cracking jokes and inserting levity during situations that should have been solemn or serious), and the events felt disconnected from the previous story, too (there was no real plot progression).

The story was barely moved forward, since the ending of "Queen of Roses" had already revealed Morgan and Draven's bonding, and her being a full-fledged fae of a kind having a history of enmity with Drave's fae kind.

The events presented in this book felt more like filler than anything else, like something that should have been an intermediate novella, or contained to a single act in a two, or three act book.

But even with the stagnant nature of it and everything, still the worst thing for me was the clashing tone. Forcing humor during grave, serious moments broke the book for me. It would have been one thing if this series had been darkly comedic from the start (as many others are), but because it wasn't, this book kind of came across as tone deaf for me.

Full review will be available on my blog soon.