A review by paradoxically
The Maze Runner by James Dashner


The characters are rather bland. However, what makes up for this is the plot, which is rather gripping and really makes a reader wonder what the heck is going on.

Admittedly, until you get used to the new terminology, the way the characters talk is highly annoying. Shanks and klunks and shunks and I don't even know. It's like the regular curse words were too passe for these characters, so they had to spice it up. And thus sound like idiots. But I suppose it helps to set the mood of the book, shows the reader that they're not in regular land anymore.

Thomas was sort of a pain in the beginning. Obviously nobody is going to answer your questions. Sit back, think a little, and try to pry out answers once you get the basics, would you? And then there's this urge to be a runner which, sure, okay, go for it! (It'll make for a more exciting book, anyway), but the way he acted...

"For all you guys know, I could be really good at it. It’s a waste of time to make me wait."

The arrogance of his words when he still doesn't fully comprehend his situation was hugely annoying. And then when
Spoilerhe gets stuck outside of the walls with Minhe and Alby? He proceeds to get mad at them and act like he's so much better when he doesn't know a thing. Part of it is the fact that nobody tells him anything, yes, but you'd think that he'd get how pervasive the thought of them dying when they're stuck outside of the walls is. Even a throwaway line about how much their situation sucks would be fine--he doesn't actually have to say it out loud, just in his head.

Thomas also tells you his feelings a lot--the adage 'show and not tell' need not apply here.

But, once you get passed all of that, the thing that truly shines is the plot. Admittedly, I am a sucker for these types of things--mysteries, not knowing what's going on, danger surrounding you at every corner, but most importantly, the puzzle. It was an engrossing read once you get used to how the book is written and things really get rolling, and I sped through it and could hardly bear to put it down. I wanted to know why everything was happening, what was going to happen next, what answers and questions would arise.

The ending was... well, it fit, and it was a lead in to the next book. You get some answers, but you are also left with a lot of new questions. I am somewhat disappointed with how some of the answers (to the maze) was figured out by Thomas--I wanted them to use their brains a bit more instead of, well,
Spoilergetting stung by the grievers and getting flashes of memory back.
. But overall? A very solid 4 stars in my book.