A review by bookish_rex
Moth by Michael Takeda



I was fairly dubious about the narrative voice at first, especially with the “our protagonist” schtick right at the start. I decided to take a chance because, despite that, Takeda piqued my interest in said protagonist. Something about the small details Takeda shared about Michael (aka Moth), and how Takeda shared them made me immediately invested. As I read on, I found that the narrative style didn’t, in fact, distract me or make me feel the clinical detachment I thought it might. It worked well, in fact. 

I’m not too sure how I feel about the paranormal, vampire-esque aspect to this story. I really didn’t need it, but that’s not to say it’s bad. It definitely did add something to the story. I only mean to say that it wasn’t a selling point for me. I’d have read this story just as readily without it… because I love these characters (well, except for Arturo, who mostly bored me).

It’s funny that there were so many literary name drops the likes of William S. Burroughs, because I think that’s one of the things that I enjoyed so much about this story- the familiarity. It was almost comforting, like I was returning to a scene I knew well, but it actually wasn’t the same scene at all. It had just enough similarity to make me feel instantly at home. 

Let’s get to the end, though, because the end left me angry. The kind of angry where you wish you could have some strong words with the author, while also shoving all your money in their face and cradling their book in your arms protectively… before you stomp off with a very aggressive “thanks for the story”. That’s me. I am soooo upset over Moth’s fate. So not okay. I must protect the precious best boy. I can see my fool self re-reading this book over and over, as if the act will somehow magically yield a different narrative for my baby, one where he gets to be happier.

Needless to say, now that I’ve read the arc (which I received in exchange for my unbiased review), I’ll be buying myself my own physical copy, so I can raise my blood pressure yet again over how unfair life is to Moth… and Orazio… and really all my boys, but especially Moth.