A review by theuneditedbookreview
Adventure Time Vol. 5 by Braden Lamb, Mike Holmes, Ryan North, Shelli Paroline


I'm not sure what specifically keeps me coming back to Adventure Time. The weirdness and creativity are surely important, but it might just be the colors.

In Volume Five, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline need to save the Candy Kingdom from the bubblegum that has overtaken the brains of its people. The semi-sentient bubblegum was PB's fault to begin with of course, in all of her mad scientists-ness. PB finally discover the acidic solution to their problems as they employ the help of the um...delightful Lemongrab.

These Adventure Time stories continue to use Finn & Jake as starting points for adventures, but are delightfully exploring other characters. I am specifically enjoying the backstory and development of Bubblegum's and Marceline's friendships.

Five stars for another fast-paced, quirky Adventure!