A review by bryonie
Chasing the Wind by C.C. Humphreys


A fun read. I liked Roxy a lot, and agree with the author's notes that if she had been a man as originally planned, the book just wouldn't work. It's apparent that a lot of research had been done for this book, and I found that it interfered with the overall flow of the book at times.

My biggest complaint, however, is that Roxy never really gets out of any of the jams she gets into by herself. There is always some sort of 'oops' moment, where someone or something interferes and she goes free. When I'm reading an action-based novel, I want the protagonist to be strong. They don't have to win EVERYTHING they get into, but they can't rely on chance or luck to get through ALL the time.

I'm still going to give this book a 4 because it was a good read and overall well written.