A review by shelleyrae
Allegra Fairweather by Janni Nell


I really liked the sound of the premise for Allegra Fairweather: Paranormal Investigator. A heroine with attitude, a hot guy or two and a variety of otherworld creatures. As a fan of Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy genres it's an appealing combination.
Allegra, as she mentions a bit too often, is a paranormal investigator and she investigates, well, the paranormal. In this case, Allegra is almost over run with phenomena, a Deddflower harbinging mass destruction, a wailing Banshee, a vengeful ghost, mysterious chanting in the woods and something lurking in the loch. It's not exactly suprising then that Allegra is a little directionless, and as a consequence so is the plot. There are false leads, red herrings and asides that Nell tends to reveal rather than have Allegra investigate. I wanted Allegra to be more active in her investigation, which we don't see until nearing the climax. The mystery behind the appearance of the Deddflower, the reason Allegra comes to Scotland in the first place, is never really resolved either though the mystery of Lady Justina is nicely concluded.
I do find Allegra likeable, a little sassy with an individual voice. We learn a little about her personal background but I would have liked to know more about her seven years of paranormal investigation.
Allegra's relationship with Casper is an interesting one and Douglas's interest in her creates some nice tension between the three. There is no HEA so Nell has potential to exploit the relationship in further installments.
I think Allegra Fairweather: Paranormal Investigator has promising protagonists for a paranormal romance series with a tighter storyline.

*Read for review from NetGalley.com