A review by mjfmjfmjf
Defenders by Will McIntosh


Wow that was dark. And relentless. And as I expected from [a:Will McIntosh|2938554|Will McIntosh|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1363376502p2/2938554.jpg], worth reading. This is the fourth good book in a row - though the first one I didn't five star. And I guess that's because it made [b:Soft Apocalypse|10075553|Soft Apocalypse|Will McIntosh|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327942697s/10075553.jpg|14972161] look uplifting. The aliens were creepifying, the created soldiers were were. The people who were our pov were pretty much broken, though to be fair everyone was pretty much broken. By the end of the book all you had were bad guys, less bad guys and perhaps slightly less bad guys. So what would you do to survive? What would anyone do? Certainly a question worth asking, and this book takes one try at trying to answer it.