A review by steph1rothwell
White Feathers by Susan Lanigan


White Feathers is another very good novel set during WW1. Telling the story of Eva and Christopher, whose love affair is destroyed by Eva's family and the devastation of a World War.
Events at the front were very graphic and for me the best parts of the novel. Even though I knew about it, I had never come across the giving of white feathers in a novel before and I didn't know that it was common among suffragettes. I also had never heard of the Brittanic and have since read that events that happened on it were true.
I didn't care much for either Eva or Christopher. I preferred Sybil, who came across as a lot warmer than any other characters in the novel.
I would be interested in reading more by Susan Lanigan and would recommend to anybody who likes to read about this time in history.

With thanks to RealReaders for sending me this novel to review.