A review by ness11
Royal Rogue by Jessica Peterson


*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book*

4.5 "Live in the lie" Stars!!!

I didn't know what to expect. But then again, considering this was my first Jessica Peterson novel I reeeeeeally didn't know what to expect. Here I was getting enthralled in this sweet, funny and adorable romance when, BAM, I was hit with emotion overload. Once those feels happened there was no stopping the more and more that came after.

Charlie is a con. He deceives people and becomes different personas to obtain what he's after. Charlie didn't want any part in the life he's living. But in order to payoff an obscene debt that has more to do with his brother, he's left no other choice. He's presented a job that'll in fact make the debt paid for. Charlie's beside himself, knowing he'll finally be free and ultimately his conning days will be over. Though, Charlie didn't expect to be captivated by his mark. He didn't expect to develop feelings towards her. And he most definitely didn't expect to have to make the biggest decision of his life that would change everything.

Jane. Princess Jane has been through a very difficult divorce. She's slowly trying to find herself. Learning things about herself she didn't know. The biggest revelation is she doesn't need a man to be happy. Jane always spoke her mind and that's one of the things I liked most about her. She was also brave and strong. And just when Jane has found herself, here comes a tornado of man to obliterate all her senses and makes her question things she thought she tucked away.

Charlie and Jane were every bit different, but ironically they were one in the same. Both caring and kind and above everything, they'd both do anything for their family. I can't even begin to say how much I loved these two. Their chemistry was of the charts. And it was undeniable how perfect they were made for each other. I couldn't get enough and wanted more, more, more.

Royal Rogue was a very enjoyable read. Charming, witty, and fun. Filled with likable characters I couldn't get enough of. Who knew that a thief with a heart of gold would steal mine? I didn't see it coming, but I most certainly wouldn't change a thing.