A review by linguisticali
The Middleman: The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse by Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Hans Beimler, Armando M. Zanker


Rereading this because my copy of [b:The Middleman - Volume 5: The Pan-Universal Parental Reconciliation|23305775|The Middleman - Volume 5 The Pan-Universal Parental Reconciliation|Javier Grillo-Marxuach|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1413233493s/23305775.jpg|42860810] finally arrived once the postal strike ended.

This is good, but I don't love it like I love the show (although I know this is essentially just the final episode). One of my favourite things about the show is that it's generally feminist and progressive - and here the cover pretty much sums up Wendy's role in relation to MM's. The men are drawn with human-looking faces, while the women all have big dewey anime eyes
Spoiler and when we see the past Middlemen, Raveena seems to be the only woman - which just seems needless, since Middlemen clearly can be women. I would have loved to see more of a role for Raveena in general, and I would so much rather the role didn't involve her being MM's love interest
. I wish this had been more about Wendy and she'd been able to do more here, since I really feel she's the main character of this series.

Overall, though, I think this does a good job of tying up most of the storylines from the show, which was brilliant and witty and cancelled before its time.
SpoilerNotably absent is Wendy's dad, though, which seems like a pretty major omission.
And on the plus side, I can't see the show's special effects budget covering the events of this episode, so there's that. I also love the way it carries on running jokes and things from the show - including the obligatory Wilhelm scream and "My plan is sheer elegance in its simplicity!" (although subverted in this one).

I heartily ship MM/Lacey
Spoiler, so I was both delighted and heartbroken by this storyline. We'll always have the Cursed Tuba Contingency <3

All in all, this is an epic, heroic ending to one of my favourite series. It doesn't have as much of the light-hearted charm for me as the show - but even the show got pretty dark in those last few episodes, so it's not out of keeping with that trajectory. I'm interested to see how they bring the two canons (comic and show) together in the final book.