A review by faustin2nd
Wrong Bed, Right Guy by Katee Robert


There is something about an unconventional male lead that does it for me. Am I the only one tired of reading about billionaires/playboys/Navy SEALs/detectives etc?
Spoiler A tattoo artist was a welcome change. And as a huge fan of tattoo artists in general, I was sold the moment it was mentioned he was one.

The first chapter was great. It's one of the best first chapters I have ever read, honestly. I was unsure how convinced I would be of the story when I read the synopsis, but the first chapter totally convinced me. I could understand Elle, because I know plenty of people like her (maybe even me?) who seem a little uppity when they're nervous or mad but are actually great people underneath. I liked Gabe too. He was a nice, sweet guy!

Also, any hero who seems to be a huge fan of oral sex is a dream come true so the sex scenes were great. This book has convinced me to go look for more titles in the Brazen Collection. I totally underestimated how good they could be.